Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kate and Bill - 11.20.2010

Remember Kate and Bill? They got married!! Their families and friends joined them last Saturday for a lovely ceremony at the Leesburg Presbyterian Church. Their Westfields Marriot reception was beautiful and everyone had a great time! I know I've said this a thousand times... but the weather was perfect! Couldn't have asked for better! Enjoy the pictures...

I crossed the street to take some cover shots of the church. Didn't think it would take me almost five minutes to cross back over again... downtown Leesburg traffic! Who knew?

Oh, wait... I live in Leesburg... I should have known better. ;)

Kate's dress was elegant...

... her shoes were super cute...

... and her flowers were vibrant and colorful!

Bill was excited to get the ceremony underway.

First kiss!


The sun was setting as we grabbed a few quick shots before heading to the reception.

I'm a huge fan of "The Office." I wanted to sit at this table!

The perfect place to rest the bride's bouquet.

First dance...

... cake cutting...

... and party time!

Congratulations, Kate and Bill! You are a lovely couple and I really enjoyed working with you. A million wishes for a lifetime of happiness together!


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